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Angry pitcull

By: Morey Law Firm

September 30, 2024

What Do I Do If My Dog Bites Someone In My Home?

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What to Do When Your Dog Bites Someone in Your Home: A Guide for Florida Homeowners

As a Florida homeowner, having your dog bite someone in your home can be a stressful and legally complex situation. Understanding your rights and responsibilities is crucial to protecting yourself and addressing the incident properly. This guide will walk you through the essential steps to take if your dog bites someone in your home and provide insights into Florida’s dog bite laws.

Immediate Actions After a Dog Bite Incident

When a dog bite occurs in your home, your immediate response is critical. Here are the steps you should take:

  1. Secure the Dog
    • Remove the dog from the area to prevent further injury
    • Confine the dog in a secure location away from the injured person
  2. Provide First Aid and Seek Medical Attention
    • Attend to the injured person immediately
    • Encourage the injured person to seek medical care, even if the wound seems minor
    • Offer to call emergency services or provide transportation to a healthcare facility
    • Prompt medical attention can prevent infection and document the injury
  3. Exchange Information
    • Provide your contact information and homeowner’s insurance details to the injured person
    • Collect the injured person’s contact information
    • Avoid admitting fault or making promises about compensation
  4. Document the Incident
    • Take photos of the injury and the area where the bite occurred
    • Write down a detailed account of what happened while it’s fresh in your memory
    • Note any witnesses present and gather their contact information

Understanding Florida’s Dog Bite Laws

Florida’s dog bite statute (Florida Statute 767.04) imposes strict liability on dog owners. This means that if your dog bites someone, you may be held responsible for damages regardless of the dog’s previous behavior or your knowledge of its aggressive tendencies.

Key points of Florida’s dog bite law include:

  • Liability applies whether the bite occurs on public property or private property, including your home
  • The injured person must have been lawfully on your property at the time of the bite
  • If the injured person’s negligence contributed to the incident, it may reduce your liability

It’s important to note that Florida’s law doesn’t follow the “one-bite rule” used in some other states. Even if this is your dog’s first offense, you can still be held liable for damages.

Notifying Your Homeowner’s Insurance Company

Contact your homeowner’s insurance provider as soon as possible after the incident. Many homeowner’s policies include insurance coverage for dog bites, which can help protect you financially. When speaking with your insurance company:

  • Provide a factual account of the incident
  • Ask about the extent of your coverage for dog bite incidents
  • Inquire about any specific steps you need to take for claim processing

Remember that your dog bite insurance provider will likely conduct its own investigation into the incident.

Legal Considerations and Potential Defenses

While Florida’s strict liability law can make defending against a dog bite claim challenging, there are potential defenses that may apply:

  • Trespassing: If the injured person was unlawfully on your property, you might not be held liable
  • Provocation: If the injured person provoked your dog, the provocation defense could reduce or eliminate your liability
  • “Bad Dog” Sign: If your property had a “bad dog” sign prominently displayed in a location where it was

Preventing Future Incidents

Taking steps to prevent future dog bites is crucial for protecting yourself and others:

  • Invest in proper training and socialization for your dog
  • Always supervise your dog around visitors, especially children
  • Consider installing secure fencing or gates to control your dog’s access to visitors
  • Post visible “Beware of Dog” signs on your property

When to Consult a Dog Bite Defense Lawyer

If you’re facing potential legal action due to a dog bite incident in your home, consulting with an Florida dog bite defense lawyer is advisable. A knowledgeable lawyer can:

  • Evaluate the specifics of your case
  • Advise you on your legal rights and obligations
  • Help you navigate communications with insurance companies
  • Represent your interests if a lawsuit is filed against you

An experienced attorney familiar with Florida’s dog bite laws can provide invaluable guidance throughout the legal process and work to protect your interests.

Morey Law Firm, P.A.: Florida Dog Bite Defense Lawyers

Dealing with a dog bite incident in your Florida home requires prompt action and a clear understanding of your legal responsibilities. By following the steps outlined in this guide and seeking appropriate legal counsel when necessary, you can navigate this challenging situation more effectively.

Remember, while it’s important to be compassionate towards the injured party, it’s equally crucial to protect your own legal interests. If you find yourself facing a dog bite lawsuit, don’t hesitate to reach out to an experienced dog bite defense attorney who can provide personalized advice and representation tailored to your specific circumstances.

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