With Experience And Dedication


Dog attacking a person

By: Morey Law Firm

August 29, 2024

Navigating Wrongful Death Claims After a Fatal Dog Attack in Florida

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Timeline of a Florida Dog Bite Wrongful Death Lawsuit: What to Expect

Losing a loved one to a dog attack is a devastating experience. Families who have suffered such a tragedy may seek justice through a wrongful death lawsuit. Understanding the timeline of this legal process can help you prepare for what lies ahead. This guide outlines the typical stages of a dog bite wrongful death lawsuit in Orlando, providing insight into each step and how an experienced Florida wrongful death attorney can assist you along the way.

Initial Dog Bite Fatality Case Evaluation

The journey begins with an initial consultation with an Orlando dog bite attorney. During this meeting, you’ll discuss the details of the incident, share any evidence you’ve gathered, and learn about your legal options. The attorney will evaluate the strength of your case and advise you on the best course of action.

This stage involves reviewing the circumstances of the dog attack, discussing Florida’s dog bite laws and how they apply to your case, assessing potential damages and compensation, and determining the viability of pursuing a wrongful death lawsuit.

Investigating the Fatal Dog Attack

If you decide to proceed with the lawsuit, your attorney will begin a thorough investigation. This crucial stage involves collecting all relevant evidence to build a strong case. Your lawyer will obtain police reports and animal control records, gather medical records and the death certificate, interview witnesses, collect photographic or video evidence, research the dog’s history of aggression, and identify all potentially liable parties.

This phase typically takes several weeks to a few months, depending on the complexity of the case and the availability of information.

Pre-Suit Demand: Building Your Case

Before formally filing a lawsuit, your dog bite attorney will typically prepare a pre-suit demand. This crucial step often occurs after the initial investigation but before the official filing of the lawsuit. The pre-suit demand process involves gathering comprehensive documentation to support your claim and presenting it to the responsible party’s insurance company.

During this phase, your attorney will collect and organize various types of evidence, including:

  1. Medical Records: These documents provide a detailed account of the injuries sustained in the fatal dog attack, treatments received, and the cause of death. Your lawyer will obtain records from all healthcare providers involved in your loved one’s care.
  2. Medical Bills: All expenses related to the medical treatment will be compiled, including emergency room visits, hospitalizations, surgeries, medications, and any other relevant costs.
  3. Police Reports: The official police report of the incident can offer valuable information about the circumstances of the attack.
  4. Animal Control Records: These may provide insight into the dog’s history and any previous incidents involving the animal.
  5. Witness Statements: Your attorney will gather written or recorded statements from individuals who witnessed the attack or have relevant information about the dog’s behavior.
  6. Photographs and Videos: Any visual evidence of the incident, injuries, or scene will be collected.
  7. Employment Records: If applicable, documents showing the deceased’s earning capacity will be gathered to support claims for lost future income.
  8. Expert Opinions: In some cases, your attorney may consult with experts such as animal behaviorists or medical professionals to strengthen your case.

Once all necessary documentation is collected, your attorney will draft a demand letter. This comprehensive document outlines the facts of the case, details the damages suffered, and specifies the amount of compensation you’re seeking. The demand letter is then sent to the dog owner’s insurance company or legal representation.

The pre-suit demand serves several purposes:

  • It presents a clear, organized case to the opposing party
  • It demonstrates the strength of your claim and your readiness to pursue legal action
  • It can potentially lead to a settlement without the need for a formal lawsuit

The insurance company typically responds to the demand letter within 30 to 60 days. They may accept the demand, make a counteroffer, or reject the claim outright. Your attorney will discuss any responses with you and advise on the best course of action, whether that’s accepting a settlement offer or moving forward with filing a lawsuit.

This pre-suit demand process can significantly impact the timeline of your case. If successful, it can lead to a quicker resolution without the need for lengthy court proceedings. However, if a fair settlement can’t be reached at this stage, your attorney will proceed with filing the formal lawsuit as described in the subsequent steps of the timeline.

Filing the Dog Bite Wrongful Death Lawsuit

Once sufficient evidence is gathered, your attorney will file a wrongful death lawsuit in the appropriate Orlando court. This formal legal document outlines your claims against the defendant(s) and the damages you’re seeking. Your lawyer will draft and file the complaint, pay court filing fees, and serve the defendant(s) with the lawsuit.

It’s crucial to note that the lawsuit must be filed within Florida’s statute of limitations for wrongful death cases, which is generally two years from the date of death.

Discovery Phase

After the lawsuit is filed, both sides enter the discovery phase. This is when each party investigates the other’s claims and defenses. It’s a crucial part of the process that can last several months to a year.

Discovery typically involves interrogatories, requests for production of documents, depositions, and subpoenas for relevant records. Your Orlando attorney will guide you through this process, preparing you for depositions and helping you respond to the other side’s requests.

Negotiations and Potential Settlement

As the discovery phase progresses, settlement negotiations often begin. Many dog bite wrongful death cases in Orlando are resolved through negotiations without going to trial. Your attorney will present the evidence supporting your claim, and the defendant’s insurance company may make settlement offers. Your lawyer will advise you on the fairness of any offers, and mediation may be used to facilitate negotiations.

If a fair settlement is reached, the case can be resolved at this point. However, if an agreement can’t be made, the case will proceed to trial.

Trial Preparation and Court Proceedings

If a settlement isn’t reached, your attorney will begin preparing for trial. This involves organizing all evidence and witness testimony, preparing exhibits for court presentation, drafting pre-trial motions, developing trial strategies, and preparing opening and closing statements.

The trial itself is the culmination of the legal process. In Orlando, a dog bite wrongful death trial typically lasts several days to a week. Both sides present their cases, witnesses testify, evidence is presented, and ultimately, the jury reaches a verdict.

Factors Affecting the Dog Bite Wrongful Death Lawsuit Timeline

Several factors can influence the duration of a dog bite wrongful death lawsuit in Orlando, including the complexity of the case, the number of parties involved, the court’s caseload, the willingness of parties to negotiate, and the need for expert witnesses. While some cases may be resolved in a matter of months, others can take two years or more to reach a conclusion.

How an Orlando Dog Bite Attorney Can Help

Navigating dog bite wrongful death lawsuits can be overwhelming, especially while grieving. An experienced Orlando dog bite attorney can guide you through each stage of the process, handling legal complexities while you focus on healing. They can ensure all deadlines are met, communicate with insurance companies and opposing counsel, gather and preserve crucial evidence, negotiate on your behalf, and represent you skillfully in court if necessary.

Understanding the timeline of a dog bite wrongful death lawsuit in Orlando can help you prepare for the journey ahead. While the process can be lengthy and emotionally challenging, remember that seeking justice for your loved one is a powerful way to honor their memory and potentially prevent similar tragedies in the future. If you’re considering a dog bite wrongful death lawsuit anywhere in Florida, don’t hesitate to contact us today.

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